IN.TEMP HEAT PUMPS 7.5 KW - Special order 5-10 days
The most eco-efficient technology to heat or cool spa or hot tub water. World-class, quiet and efficient.
This plug and play solution is so easy to use. Once connected to a Y series control, the job is done. Just choose one of its various modes on the in.touch 2. Using our in.temp is definitely saving energy and money!
A world of flexibility with 6 convenient operating modes.
Eco Heat
Smart Heat
Eco Auto
Smart Auto
in.temp only works with Geckos and control systems equipped with a RS-485 interface and in.touch 2 remote control app.
0615-807003 (In.Temp-H7.5-CE)
Due to the size and weight of these units the price excludes delivery. Please contact us for a price.
At Mr Tubby we can also install and commission these heat pumps into your hot tub. Please contact us for a quote.